Where Does Wall Street Think Bit Digital Inc (BTBT) Stock Will Go?

Time:2022-01-19 Source: 1129 views Trending Copy share

Wall Street is positive on Bit Digital Inc (BTBT). On average, analysts give Bit Digital Inc a Strong Buy rating. The average price target is $14, which means analysts expect the stock to climb by 165.15% over the next twelve months. That average ranking earns Bit Digital Inc an Analyst Rating of 74, which is better than 74% of stocks based on data compiled by InvestorsObserver.

Why are Analyst Ratings Important?

Fundamental research of the underlying health of a company can be an extremely useful resource when making investment decisions. Analysts observe growth prospects and forecasted earnings of companies to gain a comprehensive view of particular industries. This data allows traders to react before numbers are officially reported. InvestorsObserver takes the ratings from these analysts and percentile ranks those aveages. This allows you to compare stocks extensively and in more detail than the common buy/hold/sell ratings.

What's Happening With Bit Digital Inc Stock Today?

Bit Digital Inc (BTBT) stock is trading at $5.28 as of 11:27 AM on Wednesday, Jan 19, a loss of -$0.22, or -4% from the previous closing price of $5.50. The stock has traded between $5.25 and $5.56 so far today. Volume today is below average. So far 495,280 shares have traded compared to average volume of 2,429,073 shares.

InvestorsObserver Analysts

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