How Does HIVE Blockchain Technologies Ltd (HIVE) Stock Rank on Wall Street Friday?

Time:2022-01-21 Source: 1063 views Trending Copy share

Analysts who follow HIVE Blockchain Technologies Ltd (HIVE) on average expect it to gain 103.13% over the next twelve months. Those same analysts give the stock an average rating of Strong Buy. That average rating earns the stock an Analyst Ranking of 74, which means it ranks higher than 74 of stocks, based on data compiled by InvestorsObserver.

Why are Analyst Ratings Important?

You can learn a lot about a company from looking at it’s financial statements and comparing them to other companies. Analysts who cover an industry in depth can add even more to your research though. They typically follow a particular sector or industry very closely. They also pay attention to and ask questions on earnings conference calls and other events where they might learn information that does show up in the numbers. InvestorsObserver takes the average rating from these analysts, and then percentile ranks those averages. This lets you compare stocks in a much more granular way than just seeing the typical five-tiered rating system used on most of Wall Street.

What's Happening With HIVE Blockchain Technologies Ltd Stock Today?

HIVE Blockchain Technologies Ltd (HIVE) stock is trading at $1.92 as of 10:43 AM on Friday, Jan 21, a loss of -$0.25, or -11.34% from the previous closing price of $2.16. The stock has traded between $1.84 and $2.06 so far today. Volume today is light. So far 5,372,621 shares have traded compared to average volume of 7,388,598 shares.

By InvestorsObserver Analysts

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