Crypto VC Fund Pluto Digital to Go Public in Reverse Takeover of NFT Investments

Time:2022-01-27 Source: 917 views Trending Copy share

Pluto Digital, a crypto venture company, agreed to buy investment company NFT Investments in a reverse takeover that will see it gain a listing on the Aquis Stock Exchange Growth Market in London.

NFT Investments (AQSE: NFT) will issue GBP96 million ($130 million) of shares to Pluto investors, giving them a 70.5% stake in the new entity, NFT Investments said in a statement.

In the last 12 months, Pluto Digital has established Pluto V, a venture capital arm that has made investments in various Web 3 projects and non-fungible token assets. Last March, it raised a $40 million fund, attracting London-listed bitcoin miner Argo Blockchain (LSE: ARB) as its lead investor.

NFT Investments' executive chairman, Jonathan Bixby, is one of Argo's founders.
The firm is listed on the Aquis Stock Exchange Growth Market (AQSE) in London, trading on which will be suspended until the proposed acquisition is completed.

By Jamie Crawley

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